
  • What is on-the-job training in your company like?

    We provide different on-the-job training programs for new employees based on the requirements of the job description. We aim to help them be familiarized with our rules and regulations in terms of safety and environmental protection. We want them to acquire practical skills to handle tasks at job locations. To be exact, OJT we offer include training in production and technology departments, which is the key part, and also cross-department training program. We also offer lectures on paint and coatings, industrial developments and how the company is currently operated. We insist training be executed at job locations because getting new hires involved in practical manufacturing helps them have a better knowledge about manufacturing, products, business procedures, organizational structures and management systems.
  • Is there a transfer at work? Could we apply to be transferred to our desirable post?

    To make sure our company will enjoy a sustained growth, we need to give our employees access to wider and broader knowledge. That is why we think it is necessary to introduce a system that allows planned, cross-department transfer. We hold face-to-face communications with our employees annually because this provides us an opportunity to know what they think of training, transfer, job location changes and their future career plans.